Iran Guereh in the 18th specialized exhibition of handmade rugs in Fars province

The 18th specialized exhibition of handmade carpets in the center of Fars province as the largest event in the handmade carpet industry in the south of the country, focusing on supporting the most indigenous and original Iranian goods, from March 6 to 10, this year with the participation of Development Developers Company And the support of related bodies and organizations active in this art industry, was held at the permanent location of international exhibitions in Fars province. Among the main goals of this event was the special visit and effective operation of the specialized target community of this field from all over Fars province and the southern region of the country with the aim of creating production prosperity, market development and improving the competitive environment in this field.

2022/03/06 | 1400/12/15

number of visits : 101

The presence of Mrs. Rafe, the honorable head of the Iranian National Carpet Center, in the opening ceremony of the 18th exhibition of Fars province

Farahnaz Rafe, in the opening ceremony of the 18th specialized exhibition of handwoven carpets of Fars province, while congratulating the arrival of the Shabaniyeh holidays, called the law on the removal of foreign exchange obligations one of the serious problems of rug art activists and said in this context: the removal of foreign exchange obligations has a great effect on the export of persian carpets. which is affected by this factor in the reduction of exports. The head of Iran's National Handwoven Carpet Center stated that the conditions for the growth of art rug exports should be provided in our national gross index, adding: removing foreign exchange obligations and amending some laws are also among the most important problems to be solved It will provide financial support and provide the necessary credit in the management chain of hand-woven carpet art.Rafe said: There are 170,000 rug artists in Fars province, each of whom can be an entrepreneur with their art and play a role in the value chain. The presence of artists and artisans producing rugs in various domestic and foreign markets as well as international exhibitions. Among the expos, among other issues raised in Farhanaz Rafee's speech at this ceremony, the importance of paying attention to it was emphasized.

Date: 2022/03/06 | 1400/12/15 Hour: 16:00 - 22:00 Creator: IranGuereh
2022/03/06 | 1400/12/15
Hour: 16:00 - 22:00
Creator: IranGuereh

The visit of Ms. Farhanaz Rafe, the head of the Iran National Carpet Center, to the Iran Guereh booth

Today, Sunday, March 15th, 1400, the head of Iran National Carpet Center, accompanied by the head of Fars Province Industry, Mining and Trade Organization and a group of other national officials, visited the Iran Guereh booth in the 18th handwoven carpet exhibition of Fars province. The topic of the discussion was the presence of Iran Guereh Company as the presenter of the Iranian handwoven carpet hall at Expo 2020 in Dubai, the issuance of ID cards of handwoven carpets of Iranian origin and the production of 300 rug panels for the heads of countries.

Date: 2022/03/06 | 1400/12/15 Hour: 16:00 - 22:00 Creator: IranGuereh
2022/03/06 | 1400/12/15
Hour: 16:00 - 22:00
Creator: IranGuereh

Mr. Jam Zar, Vice President of Iran New Technologies Investment, and Mr. Farhadi, President of Fars Province Exhibitions Company, visited the Iran Guereh booth

Mr. Jam Zar, Vice President of Iran's New Technologies Investments, and Mr. Farhadi, President of Fars Province Exhibitions Company, visited the Iran Guereh booth at the 18th Fars Province Handwoven Carpet Exhibition today, Sunday, March 15, 1400.

Date: 2022/03/06 | 1400/12/15 Hour: 16:00 - 22:00 Creator: IranGuereh
2022/03/06 | 1400/12/15
Hour: 16:00 - 22:00
Creator: IranGuereh

A brief overview of the 18th specialized exhibition of handmade carpets in Fars province

Fifty-two percent of the producers of hand-woven carpets in Fars province and 48 percent of the producers of handwoven carpets throughout Iran exhibited their latest products for six days on the eve of Nowruz for those interested in this authentic Iranian art at the Shiraz exhibition.

Date: 2022/03/06 | 1400/12/15 Hour: 16:00 - 22:00 Creator: IranGuereh
2022/03/06 | 1400/12/15
Hour: 16:00 - 22:00
Creator: IranGuereh