Blockchain Guide

Blockchain and Metamsk wallet
Introduction of Metamask wallet
Installing and using the Metamask wallet
Blockchain Certificate
Blockchain and Metamsk wallet

To display the blockchain identity card, you must use wallets that have the ability to display NFT
.We suggest you to use the Meta Mask wallet

Introduction of Metamask wallet

Metamask is a software wallet based on cryptocurrency that its users
This allows them to interact with the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. At first, the desktop version of Keef
Metamask money was only available to users through Google Chrome and Firefox browsers, but
From 2019, the mobile version of this wallet was also introduced. Metamask wallet to users
This allows you to access your Ethereum wallet through a browser or mobile application
.get access and then use it to interact with decentralized applications

Introducing Metamask

Metamask is a software wallet based on cryptocurrency that its users
This allows them to interact with the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. At first, the desktop version of Keef
Metamask money was only available to users through Google Chrome and Firefox browsers, but
From 2019, the mobile version of this wallet was also introduced. Metamask wallet to users
This allows you to access your Ethereum wallet through a browser or mobile application
.get access and then use it to interact with decentralized applications

Installing and using the Metamask wallet

First, search and download the Metamask program through the App Store or Google Play

Then find the Metamask icon in the menu of your mobile phone and enter the program

At first, a screen will appear, where you can create a wallet by clicking on the Create a New Wallet button

Installing and using the Metamask wallet

Making a Metamask wallet

Then, in the image that will be shown to you, you will start your registration process in Metamask by selecting the Get Started option

After reading the conditions, if you agree, return to the main page and follow the registration process

In this section, by clicking on the Import using secret recovery phrase option, enter your wallet using the 12-word security method

12security words

In this section, in the Secret Recovery Phrase box

Enter your 12 security words and use a space after each word

In the New Password section, define a new password for yourself

In the Confirm Password section, repeat your password again

Blockchain Certificate

Showing Assets

Your assets are already stored in your wallet as a smart contract (NFT) and these steps are only to display your assets in your wallet

To display the assets from the NFTs section, and then Import NFTs, enter the assets screen and enter the Contract Address on the back of your blockchain card in the first box (Address) and enter the Token ID in the second box (ID). And click on the Import option to display your assets in your wallet