Specialized meeting of market analysis and handwoven carpet production

Specialized meeting of market analysis and examination of real costs of handwoven carpet production hosted by Rashtizadeh Foundation and Golden Knot Company - Spinas Palace Hotel

2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22

number of visits : 125

Speech by Dr. Bijan Arbabi, an expert and university lecturer

We should pay attention to Diplomas rug in the cultural aspect that plays a role for us. The place of the rug in places like palaces, hotels... we will see the rug as a cultural material. If in order to keep our loyal customers and to keep customers who are used to persian rugs and to attract them, we can do advertising methods that are suitable for this work, in general, it can be effective.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Speech by Ali Dakhili, a handwoven carpet seller

Our main problem is sanctions. Machine rugs take our best designs and present them in the world. Now the market of all machinemade rugs in the world is dormant, because this rug (persian hand-woven) is first of all Iranian, secondly, it has excellent designs and colors and they do not harm machine-made rugs.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Speech by Mohammad Reza Tajerrashti, producer of handmade rugs

Fortunately, we still haven't lost the place of our rugs in the world, that is, among the 7 billion people in the world, when we talk about handwoven carpets, they say persian rugs. Iran makes the best and most exquisite rugs in the world. Despite the embargo, persian rugs are still available in all European stores, but all these persian rugs are in stock, and they sell rugs from Nepal and Pakistan. We have to make them buy rugs as capital like before. Fortunately, in today's world, it is easy to inform the consumer if the consumer knows the language of the rug when he looks at the rug, then he will be willing to pay for it and not buy a Nepali rug. If our view is artistic, the consumer will buy art, not cloth!

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Mehrdad Mohammad Sadegh, seller and exporter of handwoven carpets

If we want to look at the rug and these several years, what was the event that the persian rug reached here and a certain amount of its value decreased, that is, its selling power decreased, we can rely on several major aspects. First of all, there is a fact that today the floor New covers have arrived and the view has changed compared to the rug. In the old days, if a hall was 400 meters long, 300 meters of it was ruged, but now it is not like that, new floors, parquet, laminate... secondly, today's houses are modern and it does not match and harmonize with traditional rugs.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Speech by Arash Heidarian, producer of handmade carpets

One of our biggest problems in the world is advertising. We may have good products, but we don't have good communication, we couldn't make something according to today's taste in today's language. The two issues that are raised today, one is communication and the other is that the speed of our fabric is not as good as that of India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, and this is holding us back, or our customization is not like them.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Amir Hossein Erami, seller and producer of handwoven carpets

What are the characteristics of a product that wants to be offered to the market? The producer makes up his mind based on what he wants to produce and where he wants to offer it. In my opinion, one of the most important things in this product is the product itself. what size What color? what pattern ... to choose what the world likes. Unfortunately, we are stuck in the part of being traditional.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Speech by Javad Kazemi, producer of handmade carpets

We producers have become lazy, we are used to having good use with little work. Today, the world has changed a bit. Today, when we see a machine-made carpet, in terms of appearance, shoulder-to-shoulder, hand-woven carpet, between the front and the finished price, it is not comparable at all. The producers should increase their literacy and art and do more research in their artistic work space.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Yaser Hanifi's speech, Vice President of Production in Iran National Carpet Center

A headquarters in the Iran National Carpet Center was established last year with the efforts of Mr. Modares Khiabani due to his view that decisions in all areas should be made by the private sector and at least solutions and solutions and we in the government sector. Let's hear that the headquarters of the hand-woven carpet movement, a structure was created, a centrality of the union of exporters and manufacturers of hand-woven carpets and other sets of organizations that were active in hand-woven carpets.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Speech by Ali Bordbar, producer and seller of handmade carpets

We, the producers and sellers, are basically talking about the identity of persian rugs. I think we should divide goods into two categories, commercial goods and artistic goods. Is the producer who produces artistic rugs the buyer of his own goods in the second-hand market? The raw materials used by today's producers, is the trend towards artistic production, for example Qom rugs, facing the problem of color in the global market today, that is, the return of goods.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Mrs. Zahra Shavandi, senior expert in handwoven carpet management

What the Iran Guereh company did was to check the items from the beginning of the handwoven carpet production process to the last stage, which is the sale. We extracted a series of items that some manufacturers did not pay attention to and are not considered, the most important of which are indirect costs such as the cost of energy consumption, rented office, etc. and finally the capital that is circulating for the production of rugs over several years. until the rug is produced.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

The speech of Mohammad Hossein Shaneh Zan, a handwoven carpet exporter

Last year you had a customer who bought a million dollars, this year he will buy a rug with one million dollars (30 billion tomans). He is bankrupt... Once upon a time, before they knew our oil, they knew us with rugs, a foreigner was proud of it after 42 years of the Iranian revolution, now persian rugs abroad are less than one tenth. Dude, he bought a rug for ten thousand dollars, now bring it to the market, they won't buy even $500, they have lost security until this security is fixed... until we reconcile with the world, our work will not get better.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Economic activist Majid Salimi's speech

Economic activist Majid Salimi's speech

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Speech by Mohammad Reza Sedighian Novin, a new manufacturer of handwoven carpets

Virtual space is used very easily in the world today. Even in the UAE, there are ATMs that are discovering Bitcoin... so we have a solution... and the biggest problem is that we don't appreciate ourselves and our art.

Date: 2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2020/12/12 | 1399/09/22
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery

Mohammad Mehdi Safdarzadeh Haghighi, producer of handwoven carpets

There is no limit to selling a rug and price. There are customers who are 26 or 30 years old but have unlimited wealth. When I presented the rug to them, I saw that there could be no limit in terms of price for them, and the market was a very susceptible market, and this was a sanction that made the problem of price for I explained that before the sanctions threaten us from outside, it is the price of the sanctions that will hit us.

Date: 2642/03/03 | 2020/12/12 Hour: 14:00 - 16:00 Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery
2642/03/03 | 2020/12/12
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Creator: Rashtizadeh Rug Gallery