Soheil Bigdeli rug at the 8th Best rug Festival

On the sidelines of the 27th hand-woven carpet exhibition in 2017, the ceremony of the 8th Best Rug Festival was held with the presence of the head of the Iran National Carpet Center, a group of traders and participants in this exhibition, and the works presented in two groups, contemporary and old, as in the past held.

2018/08/28 | 1397/06/06

number of visits : 329

Soheil Bigdeli rug at the 8th Best rug Festival

In order to hold the 8th Best rug Festival, 50 works were selected from the total of 183 works sent to the festival, and two of Soheil Begdeli's best works named "Kahkeshan" and "Morghe Baghe Malkout" were among these works. .

Date: 2018/08/28 | 1397/06/06 Hour: 15:00 - 17:00 Creator: Soheil Bigdeli Rug Gallery
2018/08/28 | 1397/06/06
Hour: 15:00 - 17:00
Creator: Soheil Bigdeli Rug Gallery