Unveiling of persian handwoven carpet certificate by Iran Guereh company

The unveiling ceremony of the certificate and confirmation of ownership of persian handwoven carpet was carried out by Iran Guereh Cpmpany with the presence of the first vice president Mr. Ishaq Jahangiri at the presidential institution.

2021/03/03 | 1399/12/13

number of visits : 142

Certificate and confirmatin of ownership of persian handmade carpet

According to the Iranian Production and Trade Information Network, on Wednesday, March 13th, at the meeting of the handwoven carpet community at the presidential institution, with the presence of the first vice president, Mr. Ishaq Jahangiri, the minister of security, Mr. Alireza Razm Hosseini, the minister of cooperation, labor and Social Welfare Mr. Mohammad Shariatmadari, Vice President of Rural Development and Underprivileged Areas of the Presidency Mr. Mohammad Omid, President of the National Carpet Center of Iran and a large group of beneficiaries of the field of handwoven carpets, the unveiling ceremony of the identity card and certificate of ownership of Iranian handwoven carpets was carried out by the Iran Garh collection.

Date: 2021/03/03 | 1399/12/13 Hour: 15:00 - 17:00 Creator: IranGuereh
2021/03/03 | 1399/12/13
Hour: 15:00 - 17:00
Creator: IranGuereh

Certificate and confirmatin of ownership of persian handwoven carpet

It is worth mentioning that the design of the certificate template and the issuing process was done by the Iran Guereh Company, and during the conclusion of a memorandum of understanding with the Iran National Carpet Center, the Iran Guereh Company is the only official authority for issuing Certificate and confirmatin of ownership of persian handwoven carpet in the country.

Date: 2021/03/03 | 1399/12/13 Hour: 16:00 - 17:00 Creator: IranGuereh
2021/03/03 | 1399/12/13
Hour: 16:00 - 17:00
Creator: IranGuereh